Secure Your Retirement with the...

Lifetime Asset Retirement Account

Tax-Advantaged Plan That Protects Retirement Savings From Market Loss, Interest-Earning Growth and Secure A Retirement

Plan Your Retirement With

Lifetime Asset Retirement Account

Tax-Advantaged Plan That Protects Retirement Savings From Market Loss, Interest-Earning Growth and Secure A Retirement

"Why hasn't my financial advisor told me about this?"


Many financial advisors are not in the business of protecting the "downsides" or the risks of the type of accounts they're interested in managing. In other words, they are interested in investing your money for the potential "upsides", but minimal on protection from the "downsides". Do you remember what happened to your savings in the last several market crashes and how long it took to even recover what you lost? Can you afford that same risk during your retirement years?


Many financial advisors can end up recommending naturally riskier financial accounts that pays them better management fee commissions. It's just the "nature of the beast" some call it. But how does that exactly keep your money protected?


With a plan such as Lifetime Asset Retirement Account, your typical financial advisor cannot charge you a yearly management fee so it would not be in their favor to recommend anything outside of your traditional 401k, 403b, IRA, TSP, Mutual Funds, Stocks etc. As a result, this leaves a large population of individuals at high risk of going backwards in their savings/investments, subject to higher taxes when you're ready for income withdrawal, and losing to inflation as the cost of living and taxes continues to go up.

401k, 403b, IRA, TSP, Mutual Funds

You Have Hidden Fees: in fact you have several categories of fees that are eating away at your retirement savings.

Your Money is NOT Liquid: you cannot access your money whenever you want or need to use it, without penalty charges and taxes owed.

Your Money is NOT Protected NOR Guaranteed: no matter how your portfolio is setup, your money is directly exposed to the market and you can absolutely lose a significant chunk of your savings/investments.

Deferred Taxation Can Deplete Your Savings Faster & Run Out Of Money: don't relying solely on these accounts is potentially losing a significant chunk of their savings, high taxes on withdraws, and running out of money during retirement.

With The Lifetime Asset Retirement Account

No Management Fees: keep 100% of your hard-earned money working for YOU even during retirement with no management fees as it should be.

Accelerated Wealth Building: get compounding growth on your accounts at higher interest rates, Guaranteed. Your money is no good if it's just sitting in a bank, CDs or losing money in the markets via 401k, IRA, Mutual Funds.

Your Money Has Flexible Liquidity: you can easily access a certain percentage of your money each year without worrying about paying taxes or penalties if you need it.

Your Money is Protected from Any Loss: regardless of how the market performs, you will have the peace of mind knowing your savings will NEVER lose value because of the Guaranteed protection.

To Find Out If You Qualify For The "Lifetime Asset Retirement Account"...

Take this short 30-second survey below:

Are you already retired?

When do you plan on retiring?

What is your primary retirement goal?

What type of retirement plan are you investing in now?

Is your account protected from stock market crashes, declines and fluctuations?

Do you have a 401(k) or 403(b) from a previous career?

Can you give us a rough estimate of how much you have saved for retirement?

Submit Your Information Below To Be Contacted By Our Licensed Specialist To Review Your Eligibility & Receive Customized Recommendations Based On Your Answers:

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